Medical professionals agree. CPRx treatment is revolutionary.
“A greater potential than Methadone to safely and effectively block the actions of opioids, with virtually no withdrawal symptoms.”
– Drug & Alcohol Review
“Extremely effective in suppressing heroin use, possessing relatively no threat or opportunity for overdose.”
– Harvard School of Medicine
“Studies reveal that treatment with Buprenex®, Clonidine® and Valium® was 96% successful in obtaining complete and comfortable opioid detoxification.”
– Columbia University
“Patients showed minimal signs of withdrawal.”
– Johns Hopkins University
“Patients report contentment (and) elevation in mood. (Buprenex®) was found non-addictive and does not pose threat of overdose.”
– Alcohol, Drug Abuse & Mental Health Symposium
“There are over 900,000 patients currently utilizing Buprenorphine for addiction or tolerance. This patient population has exceeded the use of methadone maintenance and is widely accepted by these patients to be effective, less expensive, and works extremely well.”
– Massachusetts’s General Psychopharmacolgy Lecture – October, 2011
In over five hundred studies, Buprenex® has been evaluated for it’s ability to control pain without the sedative, dependency and other side effects commonly associated with typical pain medications. Without dispute, the efficacy, pain management and lack of side effects are superior to other classic opioids.